The importance of typography in branding is that it can help create brand awareness with the use of appropriate fonts, colors and other elements. Typography together with the other elements such as the colors, styles, content, and images all work together to create typographic design. All these components work together in order to create a unique visual identity for your business. All these components contribute to the benefits of typographic design.
The importance of typography in branding lies on the fact that it provides an identity to your company, creating a brand image. In fact, in recent years it has become increasingly important for people to get familiar with the different types of writing and to understand how the impact of the different styles and formats can help them create a positive identity and increase the visibility of their brands. It also helps people read and understand promotional materials and other academic writing which make them valuable to businesses who want to communicate with prospects and customers.
The importance of typography in branding is further increased when you consider that it is the most significant part of designing for the web and the most accessible typeface designs for the corporate sector. This is because computer languages are generally set into text formats. Most business people understand HTML and other protocols which facilitate the creation of legible and attractive designs but only a few can understand the aesthetic appeal and importance of using the right kind of fonts. When you create designs for the web, it is very important that they not only look appealing in terms of visual appeal but should also convey the right message. A mistake in this area might seem like a huge mistake at first but could have a long term impact on the business.
With the increasing importance of branding and corporate identity in recent years, people have realized the need for perfect typeset and design that make them stand apart from the crowd. Typography is a very crucial aspect of creating such identity. Your branding and corporate identity depend on how well you manage the typographic details which make a good impression on your prospects and customers. A lot of time and resources go into creating a strong branding image and hence this should be done skillfully and meticulously by those involved in the designing process.
Most of the people involved in the designing process do not have any idea about the importance of typography in branding. They do not know what goes into the designing process. In simple terms, graphic communication or typography is the process of using typographical details in a way that communicates the intended message or purpose clearly to targeted users. Designing and typographical details are not separate aspects; rather, it is a very delicate combination of art and science which results into a strong graphic image or promotional tool. An artist should not only focus on creating appealing images and graphics but he should also pay attention to typographical details as this will ultimately help him create a powerful brand identity.
As mentioned earlier, the importance of typography in branding has many reasons behind it. The first reason is that using fonts that are specific to your target market, business, industry etc can help you effectively reach your potential customers. People tend to buy products and services only after understanding and being able to read and understand the visual representation of what they are buying or when they are presented with attractive graphical tools, they understand quickly what it is that they are going to get or buy.
The popularity of Times New Roman or Arial typefaces is mostly used by the people who work in the business sector or by corporate professionals. The reason behind this is that they are widely used by people on a daily basis and almost everyone is familiar with Times New Roman font. They are easily recognized and are mostly used in formal business communications such as invoices, sales reports and legal documents etc. It has been observed that a majority of customers purchase products or services from businesses that have the support of high quality professional graphic communication tools. So the use of Times New Roman font is very much necessary for any kind of graphic communication tool.
Another reason for the importance of typography in branding is that, in this way, your creative efforts stand out in front of the rest. You would be surprised to know that graphic designers do not use fancy fonts while designing any of their web pages because using fancy fonts do not stand out from the rest. Instead, they make use of simple fonts which have great impact on the minds of people. Sometimes, going by the example of a person who is unaware about graphic design tools, may confuse you and make you think that using fancy fonts is a must for effective designing. However, if you know what type designer is talking about and how important it is for designing any type of page, you will understand why it is that you should always use simple fonts during your designing process.